Feeling fear and anxiety? Be anxious for nothing, God’s got you!
Feeling sadness and grief? Have hope in eternity! Focus on what’s yet to come.
Feeling overwhelmed? God will never give you more than you can handle.
These responses are merely “emotional band-aids” that do little to treat the gaping wounds of our hearts.
What if there was no such thing as a “bad emotion”?
The unspoken rule in our society says this: It’s ok to feel and express the positive emotions of happiness, excitement, intrigue and gratitude.
But what about the emotions of anger, sadness, jealousy, or overwhelmed? Many of us were taught to stuff these negative emotions in exchange for a broad-faced smile. But what if this overly optimistic philosophy actually did us more harm than good? This article from Relevant Magazine (linked below) is a must-read when it comes to managing difficult emotions in a way that brings us greater depth and authenticity in our relationship with God, ourselves and others.