What is Telehealth?

Telehealth is a secure, HIPPA-compliant way of providing safe therapy or psychiatry online. Similar to an in-person appointment, you would meet with your clinician to set treatment goals, share experiences and connect regularly and/or discuss your medication needs. In order to do this effectively, you would need a computer with a camera, a phone or tablet and find a quiet, private space for your scheduled appointment. Heading out of town? No problem. Telehealth is a great way to continue your mental health appointments and feel safe and connected no matter where you go! To read more about the risks or policies of online therapy, please read over our required Telehealth / Distance Counseling Consent Form.


How Could Telehealth Benefit Me?

For many, attending a therapy appointment regularly can be difficult with work, family, travel and other commitments. At LifeCare, we know this can be challenging to set a series of appointments and it not interfere with your schedule. Counseling should not be a burden, but an opportunity to grow and self-care. At LifeCare we have many clinicians who are experienced in providing effective telethealth for those who may need this support.

Sickness/Exposure Protocol

If you, as a client or patient, have had a fever, cough, cold or flu-like symptoms or exposure to someone who has in the past 5 days, please call the office to move your session to telehealth.

Before an in-person session, we request that you are fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication and that your symptoms are improving.


How Do I Schedule a Telehealth Appointment?

To schedule an appointment, you may login to the portal and choose Telehealth as your appointment type OR you may contact our office at 919-851-1527 or your specific therapist via email.